
Review Detail of Chase_Xavier_123 in Welcome To Terminus

Review detail


Great story. The story is about Ashton a 18 year old child and nine year old Matt a adult. Both of them lived a pretty normal life of orphans but one day everything chages just cause X wanted it to. And the inhuman game of destruction begins. Writing quality - Great, no grammar errors Story development - Doesn't let you down, I will rather say it was fast pace no time was wasted on dally-daling. Character design - On point, especially with Matt despite acting like adult we can clearly see his innocent side while being carefree Ashton shows the will to protect it. World background - It gives the me Maze Runner vibes (I don't know I might be wrong about it. only author can tell property) Should you read this novel? Of course, I will recommend it. Matt and Ashton's chemistry is on point. Though I am looking forward to Ashton's partner since I can't see Matt as someone to ship with anyone at this moment. May be my fujoshi self just need a time skip until Matt is older?


Welcome To Terminus


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Thanks for such an amazing review. I really appreciate it.