
Review Detail of GR15AKLE in The Author's POV

Review detail


Proper review time. The Author's POV is very reminiscent of "The Novel's Extra," and in a good way. Its also a really nice read, despite the flaws, or at least what I think are flaws, that I will note. Here's a summary. The MC, Ren Dover, is a MC who reincarnated into his 3rd story, which he hasn't finished. That's probably so MC won't stay as a mob forever. Anyway, in his past life he was orphaned at 14 or so years old. He had enough money for school to survive until graduation, but after that for post secondary? No bueno. Spanish. So he went along and applied for a scholarship, of which there was only one available. However, some rich kids dad ending up snatching it. Here he gets his sort of personal quote, "Efforts never reward." Of course, that's not really true, but whatever. Anyway he does some part time jobs, working part time jobs, until he was too weak to stand 10+ minutes, then he became a novelist. He makes money off that, does it again, works again, then he does it again, but oh no. Now he's overweight, no longer writing what he wants to, and taking too many medications then can be good for him. I'm a little confused why he got overweight, but again, whatever. He dies. Sad. Anyway, he takes over some kids body, who actually has a family, that's probably gonna be part of the story later. Also gets a system, but the only thing he can do is see his attributes and such. He's also in a very renowned school, known only as "the lock." Lowercase. But what's this? Potential, D? Student rank, 1750 out of 2000 or so? Again, no bueno. So he goes and gets some cheats the protagonist doesn't need, a swordsmanship manual, and also a potential limiter remover. The protagonist, Kevin, doesn't need the manual since there's like 3 he could've chosen from, and didn't choose the one MC chose. He doesn't need that potential thing, since he has SSS potential. Maybe there's a ranking above that, but who knows. Not me. He gets some cheats, goes to school, and so far, is lying low, save for showing his prowess to exclusively girls. That parts kinda annoying. But oh well. I only hope it wont go the same way as "The Novel's Extra," where he fucking somehow unknowingly makes a pseudo child with another girl. Anyway, some problems I had. A lot of these might just be problems I personally had. Oh well. His mentality. Like, he's 30 years old, yet he can't help but get excited at the sight of these "beautiful" 16 year old's, not to mention his teacher, who's like a sex witch or something. Its explained away that since he has a 16 year old body, he gets hormones and stuff, but you could at least try to control it. It also gets oddly specific in some parts, like the author finding the need to specifically say the MC has a hard one the first time he looked at the teacher. Something else is that he seems to never be serious. Not getting that scholarship seems to be the only problem he went through, because he lacks grit in a sense. Dude goes to a black market at some point in the story, which how the hell does that even exist. Probably the same thing as Mexico's cartels. They only get as big as the Government allows them. Anyway I digress. Dude goes into a black market. Then he goes into a dungeon. As he goes in, he seems to lack any sort of caution. This is immediately shown by him trying a trick that summons 20 or so goblins at once. He doesn't even try to get a feel for them beforehand. If he was 20 years old, normal, and all that, its totally fine. This dude is a 30 years old orphan though. He sometimes acts like he's never even heard of the bad part of the world. However, sometimes, when MC is in a pickle, he gets a lot of grit. Examples? Climbing down a rope in the dark, for 4 freaking days. Another example? On the brink of death, his bones shattered and everything, he manages to spot an opening and kill his enemy. Both of these are before he gets experience with dealing with pain. At least the ones mentioned. The comedy is also kinda weird. As far as I remember, the comedy is basically just the MC getting beat down, or told down by girls. One in particular that irks me is "Melissa." He gives her help with research in exchange for potions, yet the bitch still treats him like a dog. Stuff like (paraphrasing) "Shut the fuck up, or you're trying my new potion." He never tries to fight back either. I don't know if he's got a thing for getting stepped on, because he never seems to ask for respect. It's not like his supply won't get cut off either. So far, he only gave the first half. He holds leverage over her, but never uses it. Maybe that's something some people like. but I personally don't. Also, he ends up in class A-25. Just so happens to be the class the story MC wrote revolves around. What are the chances. These kids are in freaking top 100 in terms of ranking. MC? 1750. Maybe that's just destiny. By the way, going off of the bottom ranking, it seems there's only 2000 or so students. Maybe it's just me, but considering the size of "the lock," its rather low, at least I feel that way. Anyway, that's most of my problems. Onto the good of the story. There's a lot of good. The writing quality is very good. There's, as far as I can tell(I'm no professional) and remember, no errors. It's also very smooth. There's not a lot to say since its basically perfect. There's no lack of updates, which to be honest, is expected, considering Author's in a competition as of now. Story Development. The story part does feel a little lacking as of now, but I suspect that's due to the fact that the stories still young. Some fight scenes are also kinda lacking, or so I feel. So far, its more telling then showing. I mentioned earlier about MC fighting a goblin horde without any experience. The only real parts described were the beginning, and the end. Fight scenes also feel kinda uncreative, that may just be due to the MC's style of fighting, which is one shot kill. I guess it doesn't really leave a lot to describe. Character Design. So far, we only really know the MC. The only thing we know about other characters, is what they're described as. Things like, they act really rough, but are kind at heart. Also, male characters in general, seem very 2 dimensional. They are either arrogant, or cold. Not to mention villains. At least so far, they're also very arrogant, and also have no sort of likeability. I guess its because they are villains. However, in the future, them having some sort of other side, some sort of actually acceptable reason to do this, would be nice. Of course, we know that Melissa's a fucking bitch, but that's besides the point. The reason side characters aren't really fleshed out could be due to the fact that A), MC is a loner, and B), the stories young. Speaking of MC, so far, said MC seems to be improving. Its mentioned, after the bone shattering I wrote about earlier, that he changed from a "tourist" to (paraphrasing cuz I don't remember) "Someone who knows what they're doing." I didn't really notice any actual change. Something else to note, MC doesn't seem to have any sort of trauma, be it from seeing people dead, being alone in the dark, getting injured, you name it. World Background. There's not a lot, but what's described is pretty good. Once again, the story's not old enough to judge this accurately, or so I feel. However, there is one thing, but this is just something I found interesting. In the novel, there's something called an "Air Train." It floats in the air, how high I don't know, and are aerodynamic(which just seems like a given). They can go up to 600 km/h. Sound familiar? Its basically the same as a Maglev. Maglevs float slightly in the air, are aerodynamic, and... China recently built a new Maglev, capable of reaching 600 km/h. The novels like 3 decades into the future by the way. Maybe it flies or something though. I don't know. Anyway yeah, that's about it.

The Author's POV


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I can't say I'm not excited. There's not a lot on webnovel that I actually like, but I gotta say, so far your novel is one of my favorites, even among things not on webnovel.

Entrail_JI:Any feedback is appreciated no matter who you are. Anything that helps me improved is welcomed no matter how harsh or nicely it is put. So thank you. Regarding fighting scenes, you are 100% correct. But don't worry, If you have followed the most recent update MC gets another sword art which isn't a one-hit one kill type. The reason I had given this to him, was because I can now write proper fight scenes for him. I realized how monotonous his sword style would become in the later stages of the novel, so I quickly tried to mediate before it becomes too late. Regarding character development for villains. I have A LOT planned for them. Especially demons. I have built a massive backstory on them and why they act like they do. By the end of it, I would like the readers to start questioning whether they were really the bad guys...who knows. For other villains, I have developed their backstory a bit, but as of yet the author hasn't encountered proper villains. All my viallins have backstories. But I need time to write about them. As of yet, there really ins't an antagonist. It is more about Author MC still adapting to the world. However, I do understand your point and I really need to address this. Again, I have a LOT planned for Kevin and the others. But I am planning on incorporating it slowly. In the following 10 chapters, there will be a lot of development for one of the main characters. (I won't say who) Thanks a lot for the feedback. If in the future you have other problems, feel free to share and I will try my best to incorporate them to the novel. I can't promise I will 100% follow what you said (other readers may prefer different things) but I will try my best to compromise

I can't begin to say how thankful I am for this review. Not only does it give me a better idea of what the readers feel when reading the novel, but it also tells me the areas I need to improve on. So thank you very much! Here's a couple of things I would like to say to share my thought process on a couple of points you have made. 'Air trains' are indeed designed after maglev trains. It's partly my fault for not being clear enough, but there are far more advanced trains out there. The only reason why they only go up to 600km/h is that they are designed to travel through cities. Meaning that any speed above that would be overkill. Regarding seeing trauma from deaths, my most recent chapter sort of addressed this issue (57). His thought process and how he views death. Regarding character development, you are 100% correct. I still need time to develop each character carefully. I have a lot of plans for each of the characters, but I need time. I don't want to suddenly dive too deep into them as of yet because I need the main character to develop. At least mentally. They may seem a bit 2D at the moment, but that's because the story right now is on the author who is a loner and doesn't interact much with the others. Soon, that will change. They will get more time. Regarding him getting excited over 16 year olds, he didn't get excited or anything like that per se, it was more like he was stunned by their beauty. He did not get aroused or any of the sort. Fight scenes. This is 100% my fault. I am relatively new at writing and I have no clue how to write fighting scenes. I am reading a lot to get a better understanding of this, and soon I will be able to make appropriate fighting scenes that fit the reader's tastes. Regarding why he ended up in class A-25 [Let's just say it's not random] I think I addressed most of the stuff, I hope it gave you a better idea of my thought process and how I am approaching this. Thank you once again for taking your time and writing such a long and descriptive review of the novel.


I forgot to say what you should improve on, you being the writer, so I'll quickly write down what I think you should do real quick. Most of these are just based off of my personal opinion. Maybe some of these things you already had planned, or maybe its supposed to appeal to a crowd I'm not part of. I don't know. What I'm saying, is that at the end of the day, I'm not your most dedicated reader, let alone your only one. So if you do follow what I say, make sure to check what other people like too. Writing, Updates, all that is great. You don't need to change anything here. For the story, try making some more drawn out fights. Things where he needs to adapt, instead of doing the same things, one shot one kill, or they survive, then MC hits the dude again. I'm not sure, but I imagine it would eventually become monotonous. For characters, try fleshing out other characters, and also enemies. Just because they're a enemy doesn't mean they have to be a bad person, monster, whatever. Chrysalis does this very well. Despite all the other opposing sides, the Legion, The Empire of Stone, The Path, they all feel very human. Almost none of them are actually, inherently evil. If they weren't against the MC, they would all be likeable. As for the side characters, maybe try something like that chapter where Kevin dude is with Emma, or whatever. Just something to flesh them out as well. Trauma is also something that would be nice. Maybe not full-blown phobias of things, but maybe just minor things that makes the characters more cautious of certain things, things like dark alleys, goblins, etc. I'd say, also don't make them just an iron wall. Defeat isn't always bad. It doesn't need to be an actual defeat, even just having to run away is ok. Something else is try fleshing out the 2 male side characters, Kevin, and the young master dude as well. Even if its as small as something as the young master dude seeing his lackeys in trouble and standing up for them. As for world development, I don't really know what to say to be honest. Hope this helps, I'm out.


Ah dang, while I was working on what I thought you should improve, you already replied. Guess I'm back. Thank you very much by the way, your reply did help shed light on my problems. To be honest, even if you changed nothing, and the story kept going the same way it is right now, I'd still love it. Ok I'm out now. Maybe. Cya.

Entrail_JI:I can't begin to say how thankful I am for this review. Not only does it give me a better idea of what the readers feel when reading the novel, but it also tells me the areas I need to improve on. So thank you very much! Here's a couple of things I would like to say to share my thought process on a couple of points you have made. 'Air trains' are indeed designed after maglev trains. It's partly my fault for not being clear enough, but there are far more advanced trains out there. The only reason why they only go up to 600km/h is that they are designed to travel through cities. Meaning that any speed above that would be overkill. Regarding seeing trauma from deaths, my most recent chapter sort of addressed this issue (57). His thought process and how he views death. Regarding character development, you are 100% correct. I still need time to develop each character carefully. I have a lot of plans for each of the characters, but I need time. I don't want to suddenly dive too deep into them as of yet because I need the main character to develop. At least mentally. They may seem a bit 2D at the moment, but that's because the story right now is on the author who is a loner and doesn't interact much with the others. Soon, that will change. They will get more time. Regarding him getting excited over 16 year olds, he didn't get excited or anything like that per se, it was more like he was stunned by their beauty. He did not get aroused or any of the sort. Fight scenes. This is 100% my fault. I am relatively new at writing and I have no clue how to write fighting scenes. I am reading a lot to get a better understanding of this, and soon I will be able to make appropriate fighting scenes that fit the reader's tastes. Regarding why he ended up in class A-25 [Let's just say it's not random] I think I addressed most of the stuff, I hope it gave you a better idea of my thought process and how I am approaching this. Thank you once again for taking your time and writing such a long and descriptive review of the novel.

Any feedback is appreciated no matter who you are. Anything that helps me improved is welcomed no matter how harsh or nicely it is put. So thank you. Regarding fighting scenes, you are 100% correct. But don't worry, If you have followed the most recent update MC gets another sword art which isn't a one-hit one kill type. The reason I had given this to him, was because I can now write proper fight scenes for him. I realized how monotonous his sword style would become in the later stages of the novel, so I quickly tried to mediate before it becomes too late. Regarding character development for villains. I have A LOT planned for them. Especially demons. I have built a massive backstory on them and why they act like they do. By the end of it, I would like the readers to start questioning whether they were really the bad guys...who knows. For other villains, I have developed their backstory a bit, but as of yet the author hasn't encountered proper villains. All my viallins have backstories. But I need time to write about them. As of yet, there really ins't an antagonist. It is more about Author MC still adapting to the world. However, I do understand your point and I really need to address this. Again, I have a LOT planned for Kevin and the others. But I am planning on incorporating it slowly. In the following 10 chapters, there will be a lot of development for one of the main characters. (I won't say who) Thanks a lot for the feedback. If in the future you have other problems, feel free to share and I will try my best to incorporate them to the novel. I can't promise I will 100% follow what you said (other readers may prefer different things) but I will try my best to compromise

GR15AKLE:I forgot to say what you should improve on, you being the writer, so I'll quickly write down what I think you should do real quick. Most of these are just based off of my personal opinion. Maybe some of these things you already had planned, or maybe its supposed to appeal to a crowd I'm not part of. I don't know. What I'm saying, is that at the end of the day, I'm not your most dedicated reader, let alone your only one. So if you do follow what I say, make sure to check what other people like too. Writing, Updates, all that is great. You don't need to change anything here. For the story, try making some more drawn out fights. Things where he needs to adapt, instead of doing the same things, one shot one kill, or they survive, then MC hits the dude again. I'm not sure, but I imagine it would eventually become monotonous. For characters, try fleshing out other characters, and also enemies. Just because they're a enemy doesn't mean they have to be a bad person, monster, whatever. Chrysalis does this very well. Despite all the other opposing sides, the Legion, The Empire of Stone, The Path, they all feel very human. Almost none of them are actually, inherently evil. If they weren't against the MC, they would all be likeable. As for the side characters, maybe try something like that chapter where Kevin dude is with Emma, or whatever. Just something to flesh them out as well. Trauma is also something that would be nice. Maybe not full-blown phobias of things, but maybe just minor things that makes the characters more cautious of certain things, things like dark alleys, goblins, etc. I'd say, also don't make them just an iron wall. Defeat isn't always bad. It doesn't need to be an actual defeat, even just having to run away is ok. Something else is try fleshing out the 2 male side characters, Kevin, and the young master dude as well. Even if its as small as something as the young master dude seeing his lackeys in trouble and standing up for them. As for world development, I don't really know what to say to be honest. Hope this helps, I'm out.

Thankfully, and hopefully in the future I will meet your expectations

GR15AKLE:I can't say I'm not excited. There's not a lot on webnovel that I actually like, but I gotta say, so far your novel is one of my favorites, even among things not on webnovel.