
Review Detail of CrystalPierce in My Husband's Been Exposed by the Media

Review detail


Sorry if my opinion offends anyone but why are such stories released instead of the ones that actually deserve to be released...what would u expect from a FL with the name Mary...Y are dumb cute FLs still trending....what about women who are powerful, can take their own stand and are fun/crazy as well...what about stories where the couple has actual chemistry and its not just love(lust) at first sight....ughhh


My Husband's Been Exposed by the Media


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ikr?! in just the previous batch of trial reads, basically all of the MCs there would be attracted to each other physically and would do the deed in like the first 5 chapters :( the only one from that batch that i actually liked was that apocalypse one actually as it was originally alr smth different with it being an apocalypse genre which we don't have often and the story actually had depth and feelings that were worth reading. the FL was weak in the beginning but you could tell that she would definitely get stronger but ofc we won't get the chance to follow along (unless you read the raws) as it wasn't picked đŸ˜„đŸ˜„