For a fantasy book with a mage and nature elements, I can see a lot of potential on first sight. The four elements chose Mi Young, and I would say that it's a savage thing I saw. Everyone loved this kind of girl power stories everywhere, and you got me there. However, there are good points and things to improve that I wanted to point out. Good points: 1) Having an independent woman brings me back to the story of Divergent series, a dystopian novel that depicts a woman that wanted to change her element. 2) The first three chapters really do a great portrayal of what the story really is. 3) The title speak for itself. You just have to read the synopsis and the first chapter, and that's a good thing. Things to improve: 1) The cover couldn't seem to attract an intriguing element I wanted to find inside your story. 2) The synopsis looks well, but it doesn't have the BRIEF overview of what the story really about. 3) You could improve the descriptions more. Overall, your story has the potential the way it is. There's always a room for improvement, and yours will do good here on Webnovel too. Good luck with the competition!
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