Out of the series I think I liked Bethy's character the most, so funny, spunky, and can totally see where Vie picked up her spunkiness. But, all the characters are vastly different and so well designed! All their names will forever be etched into my mind. As far as how this book stood out amongst the series, for me, I'd have to say the story itself. Definitely more action, in all aspects 🤭. The mystery that surrounds the characters. The fears and the overcoming of them. I love how to the point the Author gets in addressing some very deep emotional barriers that the Characters through this series have. And so beautifully done too! 5 ⭐ across the board! Definitely well deserved! This series will be reread many times for sure.
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LIKEThank you sooo much! Bethany’s story was one that I couldn’t wait to write ever since she popped up in Lizzie’s story. I loved how passionate, daring, headstrong, and loyal she was! Tiny but fierce! Lol. I hope you enjoy this series again and again! Though I’ve written other books since, the Bound to Me books will forever hold a special place in my heart. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you sooo much for all your kind words and support! It really is inspiring to see your enjoyment of my work! 💚💚💚💚💚💚