
Review Detail of Mr_Morningstar in Hero of Darkness

Review detail


This novel was once my fav, but after reading the recent chps, i can confidently confirm this isn't even a top 100 material. The author gives too many anime references, in the beginning it was refreshing, but after a while it gets irritating. plus there's always "kahn doesn't do this coz he isn't a braindead MC like others" like honestly, Idk which other MC he's referring to but all i want to say is, bro you always criticize other authors when you yourself have written nothing out of the ordinary. Your MC has 3 divine abilities that are literal copies of solo, slim MCs and obito's kamui. The Update schedule is also... i mean sometimes, he's chps have more info about his condition as compared to the actual content. there's also a lot of filler material which isn't required at all. Also this novel should be renamed to 'Hero of business' coz MC is more concerned about his business and money affairs then the main antagonist, The Demon king. Not to mention those uncountable abilities MC and his gang have. The annoying explanation about those armours and weapons always takes an entire chp. This story has potential ngl, but sadly this author doesn't knw how to capitalise on it

Hero of Darkness


Liked by 53 people




aur tu hathi ka kutta hai 🤌

Eternal_Paradox:हाथी चले बाजार कुत्ते भौंके हजार

First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes


The author gave him a good reply, mate. No need to fight.

Trion_0152:First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes

oh no! did you offend you kiddo? Since I've read this novel on webnovel, I do believe I have the right to comment and share my views. And If i wanted to hate, i would've given this novel a 1 star.

Trion_0152:First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes

And i don't need to 'write my own novel' to share my views. Reviewers on imdb, YouTube and rotten tomatoes don't produce their own movie or series before giving their personal opinion. I know you're a huge fan of this novel (which is kinda hard to believe ngl) but at least use that thing called the brain before speaking bs bruhh

Trion_0152:First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes

I knw many of you might agree/disagree with my opinion, and honestly idc. i usually don't write reviews much less criticise novels and their authors. But this novel deserved it. The author just wants to fill the word count by explaining those thousands of abilities MC and his gang got. like who tf is gonna remember that many abilities, much less their pros and cons? and i like how the author tries to say "My MC doesn't have plot armour" when in the novel, his MC is literally a walking plot armour.


keep criticizing other's work to satisfy your false sense of superiority . this novel has so many readers as people love this novel and appreciate author's hardwork . if you think thi novel is bad then don't read it instead of preaching your unbaked opinion . go away & find some kid's fairy tales as awesomeness can't be digested by everyone.....

Mr_Morningstar:And i don't need to 'write my own novel' to share my views. Reviewers on imdb, YouTube and rotten tomatoes don't produce their own movie or series before giving their personal opinion. I know you're a huge fan of this novel (which is kinda hard to believe ngl) but at least use that thing called the brain before speaking bs bruhh

हाथी चले बाजार कुत्ते भौंके हजार


Wow man. I read your review in hoping that you actually wrote any Cons or not. You said some chaps have more info than content. Alas have you read a game element or system novel? That is why in those chapter author provide content similar to regular chapter along with stats. When few readers complained, author actually reduced to provide stat details as there too many stats for MC. Author took some anime tropes. So what!?! Who cares as long as it is executed properly. It would be nice if author take good power scale and incorporate into their novels for better build up instead of same old dragon/phoenix/black turtle etc. And for change it is nice to have a business related arc instead of boring same old grindings.


The reviews are for people to express their experience with the novel. This is his opinion, stop brown nosing the author.

Trion_0152:First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes

Someone is angry because they won't get the money to buy bread hahahaha I tell you I'm a pirate reader and I'm proud of that it's one of the things Which I enjoy when someone writes to get money and I read for free through hacking. Are you angry ? I just ask you are you angry?😂😂😂😂😂😂Loser

The content has been deleted

This @Mr.Morningstar account was created to criticize novel I guess. It just has 4hours of reading time only.


If i wanted to hate/criticise this novel like a triggered 8 year old, i would've given it 1 star from the get go, instead i didn't. Plus I like how you've taken my comment so personally like I broke your fav barbie doll or something ...Grow up kiddo, This novel was once my fav ngl, but it fell off hard I had literally pointed out stuff which made it unlikeable for many of us and now it is up to the author He can either correct his novel, try a slightly different version or continue with his current style by ignoring me which is fine since idgaf

Eternal_Paradox:keep criticizing other's work to satisfy your false sense of superiority . this novel has so many readers as people love this novel and appreciate author's hardwork . if you think thi novel is bad then don't read it instead of preaching your unbaked opinion . go away & find some kid's fairy tales as awesomeness can't be digested by everyone.....

He did?!! when? where?! I can't see it, i would love to have a nice chat with the author He was once my fav you know, now... he isn't, lol.

KhyaaL:The author gave him a good reply, mate. No need to fight.

Bro you attacked the guy who defended you


Also you mad


This is the stupidest comment I've seen in a while. If that were the case, the next time you saw a movie that sucked, people would be well within their rights to say "Go make your own movie before you critique others"...That food you hated at an expensive restaurant ? "First become a Michelin star chef...." Honest and heartfelt commentary on a piece of work does not require the target audience to be of the same vocation to enjoy. That's not how reviews work. Hope this was a learning moment for you.

Trion_0152:First write your own novel then comment on it you don't have the right to critisize untill you walk a mile in other's shoes

I stand corrected but in the early chapters of the novel the author said critics are welcomed, I'm not saying I don't like the novel in fact it's the best I've read so far but you guys can't just go around insulting Mr_Morningstar it's his own opinion. With all taken into consideration, I bid you ADIEU!!


I can pass days reading nothing but comments😂🤣


my bro you not anime or what ?? I like the anime reference when I notice then because it is fun seeing an author having fun making his creative novel and love that and half the time I do not even see them bro seeing you hatting on divine abilities I laugh at you yes my man author copied them but he used his mind to make his style also do you not character building or what??