
Review Detail of Great_maid_Oni in Weapon seller in the world of magic

Review detail


I'll be honest with what I currently have to read, 17 chapters, I hope it will be useful for future readers and please the author even though the grade is not very good but for the content. (English is not my first language so sorry if I have any errors). . The writing is good, I didn't have difficulties to read although I don't like these kind of names because they make me confused. . Post stability is an issue even more because it's a new story, it's not stable at all, if I believe that daily posts would be ideal because of the way in which the story progresses... Later, depending on how the state of development is, the frequency can be rethought for the author to have more rest . Story development is even nice but I found it somewhat accelerated and things escalate out of nowhere. I miss more development scenes, don't just make things work out of nowhere, Like a nobleman stumbling across his door on the first day and already becoming addicted to his products... Being honest I also found it interesting and was impressed that the first "conflict of interest" happened before the 20th chapter. . Character design found it a little poor, talks about your background quickly but that's about it, without much construction at first. . Little was said about the background at the beginning, I can't judge it very well but I didn't think it was very relevant at first, To be honest, names are difficult to memorize and it doesn't take me two or three paragraphs to forget who's who if I'm not constantly quoted. ...... This is my sincere analysis, in the future I will do another when I read more chapters to base myself better


Weapon seller in the world of magic


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