
Review Detail of in Dear Immortal Tyrant

Review detail


This is my second review after the author Xincerely changed the plot and character names a bit and the title from Mr. Immortal Tyrant to Dear Immortal Tyrant. For the world background, according to the author, the timeline in this story takes place like HMDS or a thousand years after that. I'm not very sure about it but something like that. As for the story development, I can't say much rn cause I'm only on C3 and am waiting for Xin to post more but I can say that the story has quite an interesting start. For the characters, the MC Lina is cursed with clairvoyance, which makes it even more interesting and mysterious along with Kaden. So far I can't say much about the stability of updates yet but it seems that it might be 1-2 chapters a day. But it's still too early to say though.


Dear Immortal Tyrant


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<Dear Immortal Tyrant> takes place in the same timeline as HMDS, a little after our HMDS couples had kids c: