
Review Detail of Draconis0kelly in Soul Fusion Online

Review detail


first off this series is highly anticipated by those in the know. invayne is a superb author, with both a good grasp of the language and an insane amount of creativity. soul fusion online or sfo has elements of many vrmmorpg stories. some elements of the story remind me of the best parts of stories like rssg, and martial gamer while avoiding most of thier pitfalls that make mmorpg stories disliked by some. the main character and other support characters are well thought out, relatable, and can be pictured as people instead of designed characters. they have their flaws and thier strengths instead of just being op or just cute they are much more. at the time of writing this review the story is still within the first ark but already it's addicting to read. I continue to look forward to this series as yuki/Ryu grow as both a person and gain status and power to seek the freedom they deserve. vote comment and like to promote this new gem of a novel.

Soul Fusion Online


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