
Review Detail of silvenlotus in Soul Fusion Online

Review detail


So far this is a great start! I feel like the story has a lot of potential especially since it has a game with cultivation mixed with leveling which isn't very common. I'm interested to see how the skills from the game will bleed into the real world and who's behind the game and why. I also like that the story doesn't focus a ton on her stats because I feel like a lot of stories with systems tend to take up like half the chapter with just showing stats. Another thing I like is how the mc doesn't seem really stupid. She hides her identity in the real world and doesn't flaunt her OPness (lol is that a word). Like some mcs in other novels make me want to strangle them and wonder how they're not dead yet (oh right plot armor), thank god this isn't one of them :) I hope we'll get to see more of the cultivation aspect and who her wifey is. Keep up the great work author!

Soul Fusion Online


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