It's bad, like very VERY bad but there's this part of it that keeps you reading until the end. None of the MC's actions make sense, it takes him 100 chapters (of the already short amount of chapters) to come to terms with his blatant emotions only for him to then revert to the emotionless self again back and fourth like some kinda yoyo on a seizure. The relationships are never developed bar (SPOILER) his supposed "best friend" Deku and his "wife" Toga. The entire novel the MC is an evil genius in the most roundabout way you can think of making it seem like you're both speeding through and never getting through the novel simultaneously. He's like Seiya (from overly cautious hero) but manipulative and without reason. --- Again, despite me disliking pretty much everything in tis novel I felt compelled to continue it so there must be something redeemable.
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