
Review Detail of Erxian_ in Not Available.

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Specific score: 3.8 Death Zone is the story of Kevin wanting to become the King of this world. Seems familiar? This story is pretty similar to Black Clover... and at first, I thought I was reading a fanfic of Black Clover with different characters. However, the author managed to make it a tad different. While the beginning seems a bit too much like that series, I ask readers to give it a try, since this story feels like it will become something a bit more different. Now onto the writing. It's not bad, but it could definitely improve. The writing feels like it's in Visual Novel format without the Visual Novel, which is a tad weird. I recommend the author to read a couple of novels and see how the format works. There's several grammar errors, but nothing that requires me to wash my eyes out. It's alright and it's readable. I feel like the story can become a lot better in the future when the author gains a bit more writing experience. And when it does, I'll be sure to change my review. In the meantime, please check out Death Zone.

Not Available.


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Thank You very much. You are right we didn't read that much novels and it's our first novel. We will work hard to meet your expectations.