
Review Detail of Darkload in Everyone Evacuated. Only I Am Left on Earth to Wander the Stars!

Review detail


I hope this gets picked Looks a lot better then that last novel ‘The Entire Mankind is Acting As Me, I Shall Secretly Build a Battleship and Shock the World’


Everyone Evacuated. Only I Am Left on Earth to Wander the Stars!

Penguin Spacecraft

Liked by 3 people




its worse. take out the chapter where its just the mc it might be ok. but alteadt with the battleship story we atleast knew why he was smart, this guy just for some reason goes to tesla to read manuals and finds out he is super smart.....


all a matter of opinion. I for one still like it a lot better then the "battleship story" since they changed way to much from the "battleship story" raw

Brezer:its worse. take out the chapter where its just the mc it might be ok. but alteadt with the battleship story we atleast knew why he was smart, this guy just for some reason goes to tesla to read manuals and finds out he is super smart.....

hmm i'm sure that he did not just "go to tesla to read manuals and finds out he is super smart" -- Lets see Chapter 4 at the end his system gives me a gift pack and out of it he gets Super-Learning Ability and there are some gaps not saying why he is doing all of the stuff he is doing but you find out later he is just copying what he wrote in his Novels

Brezer:its worse. take out the chapter where its just the mc it might be ok. but alteadt with the battleship story we atleast knew why he was smart, this guy just for some reason goes to tesla to read manuals and finds out he is super smart.....