
Review Detail of Reviewer_On_High in MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

Review detail


I wish I could swear in reviews, but since I can't, I suppose I'll be civil. Writing Quality: Good. It's more than well written enough. I don't think there's much to be found in the way it grammatical errors. There is a slight issue with the author's lack of varied sentence structure but it's basically a non-issue. Story Development is the start of the crap chute we've found ourselves sliding down. The MC has lost only a single time in the entire story and that's only because he was protecting someone else. By the age of 8 he was stronger than every other hero, maybe except AFO and All Might, who he was stronger than by age 11. My biggest issue is how boring this makes the story. There's basically no conflict. OP stories can still be interesting by the side characters, but this novel fails to do so by miles, which I'll explain under character design. The other story development issue I have is how someone as smart as Nezu tries to make the MC a hero at heart. When he sees the MC is a psycho, he should ask him to be one of the dark heroes who actually solves everything rather than a symbol of peace. Character Design: Aaaaaaand it's just like all bad. Sorry of. The author is a really good writer imo. He does a perfect job of characterizing everyone he wants to. However, they are all used only to make the main character better, not to actually be their own characters. Deku and Shinsou are only there for MC to bully relentlessly, Shoto and Bakugo are just snivelling shells of what they are in the manga because the MC is so strong they fall into manic depression, etcetera. All of the work the author does is so severely cheapened by this fact that I wish the characters were poorly done just so I didn't have to watch interesting characters used as a public toilet. As if this isn't bad enough, the MC is a pretty despicable person. Which is fine. If he ever undergoes character development or his evil is used to show why good is better. He's basically just Andrew Tate. This novel is definitely meant to appeal to his braindead tween fans.I mean he's also a fascist. Which is uhhh... Really bad. Updating Stability: Yeah this is fine whatever. World Background: It's actually not bad, I just refuse to give this novel above 2 stars because of the other issues I've mentioned. Overall, read Vegan master's light human novel or the ant one, skip this crappy, fascistic power fantasy.

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)


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soo let me sum this up you gave this 2 stars because Mc is op, doesn't like deku, and doesn't have a retar ded hero mentality? like dude I can understand not liking the book everyone has their own taste but trying to downgrade the author is really petty you got what you came for I thought the author did a pretty good job of showing off his mentally also the story is not really about side characters in general maybe that will change If he takes a internship or not but who knows. Also what were you going for with the Andrew tate thing that came out of nowhere sense their mentally is nothing alike also was fascism the right word because that seems extreme the word is usually for dictators or someone who is oppressing if you're talking about him and deku that seems extreme sense he pretty much told deku he ain't shi. but what ever floats your boat. also you could base his mentally off The Boys(show) how he looks down on people because what he's saying is not wrong its just that he's saying it. Also don't get me wrong I'm not giving you shi for rating it 2 star I'm ranting because you tried to downplay the authors writing because the story isn't for you. that's like me going to a harem book then dissing the other about how he makes unrealistic situations when it comes to women.


Nah bro where did I downplay the author? I love this author's writing and works! I'm downplaying the MC because he's literally evil. He constantly talks about humanity as if it's a virus. He has the most annoying personality ever. As for the Andrew Tate and fascism things. Umm... Yeah, both Tate and the MC are absolutely fascists. Fascism is an ideology, not an adjective given to dictators. Saying things like "Humans are all weak, snivelling creatures that should just die off, become super strong, or worship me" is about as fascist as your language can get without saying "gas the poor people". I don't know how you think Andrew Tate and the MC are even remotely different. Also you realize homelander from the boys is ALSO FASCIST, right? Homelander is evil. That's like the point of the show. Power and greed are corrupting agents that make people evil. Did you miss the entire point of the Boys? I love the book, I just hate the MC so freaking much because he's an evil man child, no more mentally developed or empathetic than Shiga-fricking-raki, who lucked into being born with the strongest quirk in the world and acting like he's only the strongest because he worked for it.

ShadowZz:soo let me sum this up you gave this 2 stars because Mc is op, doesn't like deku, and doesn't have a retar ded hero mentality? like dude I can understand not liking the book everyone has their own taste but trying to downgrade the author is really petty you got what you came for I thought the author did a pretty good job of showing off his mentally also the story is not really about side characters in general maybe that will change If he takes a internship or not but who knows. Also what were you going for with the Andrew tate thing that came out of nowhere sense their mentally is nothing alike also was fascism the right word because that seems extreme the word is usually for dictators or someone who is oppressing if you're talking about him and deku that seems extreme sense he pretty much told deku he ain't shi. but what ever floats your boat. also you could base his mentally off The Boys(show) how he looks down on people because what he's saying is not wrong its just that he's saying it. Also don't get me wrong I'm not giving you shi for rating it 2 star I'm ranting because you tried to downplay the authors writing because the story isn't for you. that's like me going to a harem book then dissing the other about how he makes unrealistic situations when it comes to women.