Was fun at first, but after so long (ch91) I don’t think there will be meaningful character development, he actually gets worse as a person as the story progresses - and people in the comments actually agree with him… The writing quality is really good, very little grammar mistakes and everything flows nicely. Story development is also there - the story is progressing at a good pace. There is nothing much to talk about in the world and character department, seeing as this is a fanfic. They both are good, in some places expanded and worked upon so it’s nice to read about it. The problem that I have and why I stopped reading this is mainly because of Law’s, the main character’s character. From the start, he had a bit of a god complex and was abrasive - which was understandable, had a good reason for it and was fun, at first. But he doesn’t overcome his character flaws, no, they actually get bigger. With time, his views on everything become clear and in quite a few cases it borders on sexist, misogyistic and ableist. Now, touching on those things and having a character like that isn’t inherently bad, but seeing as he doesn’t change and gets worse at it I am having trouble separating Law’s views on world with the Authors. Overall, a good, quality fanfic. The MC’s character leaves a lot to be desired - not a line of (positive)growth in 90ch. An enjoyable read, but be aware that Law is an awful person and many of his views are just wrong.
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LIKEYou do know that we are still at the border of reaching chapter 100 right? You don't say things as 'no character development' to something that in novel term is only in early phase. Law's thinking process for us is flawed, but when you think about it logically in a higher beings perspective he is perfect. His personality is derived from his parents experience, and teachings. When he was a kid his world view of the hero world is already perfect, of course not in moral standards of their people. Do you expect someone like Law will suddenly become kind and sympathetic to people who in his POV is nothing but trashes compared to him? When he was a kid he was pouring his blood and sweat to acquire knowledge, and experience that others just simply think of him as a genius, when the truth is he deserves it due to his hard work. When you compare him to his peers when at his age they are just playing house and tags with their friends.. it's just a blasphemy for him. So, although his views are skewed, for me the him right now is much more Ideal than being so naivè that will become annoying in the long run.
Truer words than this have never been said
With all gis skills and intelligence, he couldn't eveb go above his pre-programmed ideals given to him by his parents. He doesn't have his very own ideals and just goes with what others had made him become.
we're now 220 chapters in and he's had no character development lol.
First time reading slow burns? It takes TIME. Have you not read any Xinxia novels? Some novels takes 1k chapters for their MC to have your so called 'Character Development'.For pete's sake just stop complaining about every little thing and just grow with this novel as only time would tell if it'll turn out much better or worse. Clearly as of now it's actually pretty great and a breather compared to other ff's of MHA that are usually filled with harem seeker creeps and your usual run of the mile 'shounen protagonists'.
When does his problem of multiple quirks get fixed. Every time he uses his powers past a certain point, he gets massive backlash. Is that going to be fixed anytime soon