
Review Detail of fejalak in My Wife is a War Criminal! (and a VTuber or Something)

Review detail


The only four chapters so far that i readen been real good so lets get it in points. Character design and development is really good so far the characters and their development is really good the signs of most pekoras friends being overly overprotective about her well being as well some of them trying to genuinely kill the main character but can't because of certain characters. World background and Story.It sometimes seems the reader is not reading but watching what happens next and being excited for more to come basically trying to sink reader more in the story. The writing skill is absolutely amazing its just shows how much effort the author is making to make it long and perfect for reader so nobody can get confused whats happening in the story. so keep up the good work but i honestly need more chapters


My Wife is a War Criminal! (and a VTuber or Something)


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