
Review Detail of Winterwisps in A Hell Called Serestral

Review detail


Short review: an action-packed start, with an MC who's very convinced he's being tormented in a subtle way, and some good characterizations. Long review: The writing is good, with only a few kinks, overall making it a natural read. The story starts out strong, with action and characterizations, but then it drags a little bit while the whole setting is being explained. Perhaps I'm being harsh, but if action is being thrown at me from the start, I kinda expect there to be more stabby stabby than talky talky in the story. The characters are all well-rounded, with a good schism between the MC's expectations, based on his old world, and what is actually happening in this new world. It's very well done. Which brings me to the world, which seems deep and well-thought out. I have some questions which I would like to get answered in the future, but for now I give it all the marks I can.


A Hell Called Serestral


Liked by 3 people




Thanks for the review., I will keep this in mind once I start editing my story., :)