OK so it’s a good book if you can get past all of the well bullshit when you read this you feel like the person that Made this is a piece of shit because the MC is not only selfish but just plain old evil he does all of this for power but not to gain anything that has any real worth the grammar is for some people bad but I cannot understand it perfectly and my main language is English again if you like a villain emcees you should read this but just a fare Warning this MC it’s actually a piece of trash You can tell inside his previous world he stayed inside the house too much and all he did was watch anime and read comics because there’s no Way that he had human contact and friends and acting like this in another world I feel like if the author gave him a little bit of human traits and not just blood lust and Power-hungry into his personality it could be a good book also how are you going to be shy but you’re gonna like two children kill each other I just don’t get it MC contradicts himself multiple times make another book preferably for me on DC and make the MC not too kind but not a not a 100% asshole that deserves to be eaten by A tiger a wolf and a hippo at the same time while still alive and without further do that one will leave it off
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