
Review Detail of Foxner in Demon Fox System

Review detail


I just recently discovered this story while searching for new novels to read and I love it so far! The writing quality is very good; it's much better than other novels I've read on the platform. The story development is pretty interesting, I can't wait to see where the story goes. The world background is also good; I can't wait to discover more about the world in the story. Although I wish we got a little bit more story about other species in the beginning, however, it seems that we will get more as the story progresses. Overall I love the story, I hope it gets more attention, and I can't wait for more~!! (PS: I like the fun questions at the end of the chapters) Round of applaud for the author 👏👏👏

Demon Fox System


Liked by 2 people




Thank you for your review~ ^^ I'm glad you like it~