
Review Detail of Salty_Biscuit in Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Review detail


The first couple of chapters are horrendously translated. It gets better later on but it’s still not great. Also the story isn’t consistent. One chapter he upgrades an artifact from 1 minute of usage to 100 minutes. A few chapters later it’s back to 1 minute. In another chapter it states a beast is a mid gold tier. In the next paragraph it says early gold tier. Also, at this point im confused on a lot of things. Is the only thing that has matters is how high of a quality a pet is? How do pets get stronger? Can a lower quality pet with a higher grade defeat a higher quality one? Not much is really explained for most things; it’s very vague. Overall it’s fine if you just skim through it without thinking too much. As long as you ignore the plot holes and sub-par translation you could read this as a way to pass time.

Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Fifty Bucks for A Thousand Words

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