
Review Detail of Weirdo in Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Review detail


There's no chapter... It should be, unless my account is special and WN specifically elude it from me... Yet... There's a few review with five star for no reason... For a story that got no chapter... So I'm going to put 1star,the lowest I could get even when I want to throw in 0star review..

Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Fifty Bucks for A Thousand Words

Liked by 9 people




Um...You Do Know That These Are Pilot Novels Meaning They Have the Potential to be picked But For That To Happen You Need A Translator Also Trial Reads Kind Of The Same Its Just That Trial Read Have Chapters And Then They Also Need Go Through Another Step Which Is To Pick That Novel You Want To Be Fully Translated


Im Not That Good At Explaining So Thats All I Could Say Also Pilot Reads Need To Chosen To Become Trial Reads...


I know mate, and what I'm trying to convey here is a confusion towards those reviewer that saying how great this novel is even when there's no chapter. Like they had read it and reviewing it fairly. If you read the other review, you will saw how much they praise the story like they had read hundreds of chapter. I don't know if your English is bad or you deliberately do it, please stop writing like that. Try, write in normally like others... I got a headache from reading your comment.. 😂 😂

Raven_Rage:Um...You Do Know That These Are Pilot Novels Meaning They Have the Potential to be picked But For That To Happen You Need A Translator Also Trial Reads Kind Of The Same Its Just That Trial Read Have Chapters And Then They Also Need Go Through Another Step Which Is To Pick That Novel You Want To Be Fully Translated

I know what you mean, and you misunderstand me. I don't care about the pilot or navy novel this is. What I am focusing here in the main review is the fact that there's tons of reviewer who review and give 5 star for no reason. Did you read those review? It's like they had read it and comment like it's the best novel of all.. 😂 😂 😂 😂

Raven_Rage:Im Not That Good At Explaining So Thats All I Could Say Also Pilot Reads Need To Chosen To Become Trial Reads...

you can still go read the novel on mtl or on the raws

Weirdo:I know what you mean, and you misunderstand me. I don't care about the pilot or navy novel this is. What I am focusing here in the main review is the fact that there's tons of reviewer who review and give 5 star for no reason. Did you read those review? It's like they had read it and comment like it's the best novel of all.. 😂 😂 😂 😂

Yes, but those reviewer didn't. That's the problem.. 😂 😂 😂

Space_Fox:you can still go read the novel on mtl or on the raws

That's also the problem with you: Go read the MTL instead of putting an 1 star there. Who knows, those reviewers might also have read MTL version of it, so who are you to assume they are making an baseless review?

Weirdo:Yes, but those reviewer didn't. That's the problem.. 😂 😂 😂

Here's the problem, there's no mtl version of it mate. I search for it and it's not getting pick in mtl website I read... I even go to some Web that I didn't use and search for it, it did not exist there.. If there is, my review will be different and I will definitely mention mtl version and which mtl website have it..

JustABoxWithAmmo:That's also the problem with you: Go read the MTL instead of putting an 1 star there. Who knows, those reviewers might also have read MTL version of it, so who are you to assume they are making an baseless review?

I suppose you are right in this regard. Apologies if I came of aggresive to you. Either way, I have searched wide for this novel, and even double translated the name of the novel AND the author's name, twice, but to no avail. Even a very good chinese site was of no help.

Weirdo:Here's the problem, there's no mtl version of it mate. I search for it and it's not getting pick in mtl website I read... I even go to some Web that I didn't use and search for it, it did not exist there.. If there is, my review will be different and I will definitely mention mtl version and which mtl website have it..

Nah its alright mate, ignorance is a bliss after all.. And yeah, even you had seen the problem here right? The way they review it like it's the best seller kind of novel with 60chapter free trial is kind of a d1ck move for me.. Its like author paying them for it.. Its funny and also irritating... 😂 😂 😂

JustABoxWithAmmo:I suppose you are right in this regard. Apologies if I came of aggresive to you. Either way, I have searched wide for this novel, and even double translated the name of the novel AND the author's name, twice, but to no avail. Even a very good chinese site was of no help.

So theres no raw or mtl one?


Last time I check in multiple site, there's none.. Maybe the author play waiting game.. See if someone buy the patron for them, they will continue writing.. If not, abandon..

IAmGod:So theres no raw or mtl one?

They change the name here so its hard to find mtl of it

IAmGod:So theres no raw or mtl one?