
Review Detail of Ilkcross in How to Raise Your Regressor

Review detail


This novel is just awesome! Writing Quality: 5 Stars The author writes without any mistakes and conveyes his jokes and the story very cleanly Updating Stability: 5 Stars Everyday 2 new chapters. Story Development: The story is still at the beginning, but you can see certain aspects already showing and even if nothing world changing happened yet, I‘m sure that this novel won‘t disappoint in the future Character Design: 5 Stars First the MC ist the best character I have ever read about. The humour is so perfect I just want more of it. Also the other newly introduced characters don‘t seem like empty shells or cliché material. All of them have different personalities, which mostly have their reason to exist. Although the author introduced most of their backstories as jokes, you can understand and laugh about them at the same time! World Building: 5 Stars Nothing much has been revealed yet, but based on the short class he gave his planet he is on, you can understand that there are categories for each planet. Also the author introduces the „Great Filter“, a theory which is also present in real life, and includes it perfectly with the story.

How to Raise Your Regressor


Liked by 37 people




Sold. All I had to hear was no harem. But can I ask if the writer does that thing where all aspects of the story are postponed for forced romantic subplots.

Ilkcross:No there isn’t right now. Personally I think that’s better this way, because the protagonist is many many times older than the other characters. He would be a pedophile 😂

is there any romance or harem !??


No there isn’t right now. Personally I think that’s better this way, because the protagonist is many many times older than the other characters. He would be a pedophile 😂


this is this and that is that

Ilkcross:No there isn’t right now. Personally I think that’s better this way, because the protagonist is many many times older than the other characters. He would be a pedophile 😂

more like a chapter every month now


haven't come across something like that yet... go ahead and read it without worrying

Marina_Timveos:Sold. All I had to hear was no harem. But can I ask if the writer does that thing where all aspects of the story are postponed for forced romantic subplots.