
Review Detail of Nyth in Magic Shop System

Review detail


This is a response regarding the user Debangan's review (https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4310972715?appId=10) The content of the review was: "I hate system novels where the System takes over the MC's life and actively controls him. It's like the system is the MC. I am not here for the system, you know. " It can still be seen from the author's profile *at time of writing*, he replied to it with this: "I should delete your review and report your id for this, if you aren't here for the system, then why are you reading it? didn't you see the title of the novel? " I tried to reply to that thread (or review I should say) but it seems that the author deleted that review.. so here I go. Sorry dear author, but you delete reviews without reading them, if this gets deleted then I probably won't continue on this ordeal. (or will, depends on my mood. do note that this is not a threat, I'll probably just tell here and there that the author of this novel deletes reviews, and go on my day.). --------------- The reply in question that I meant to send but was unable to: Read the review again, no hate against both of you but the reviewer said that he disliked system novels where: the *system takes control of the protagonist* (forces him to do thing, otherwise something -mostly bad- will happen). I haven't read the novel but in the synopsis there is this line: *[Host need to find a shop in twenty-four hours, or his soul will dissipate]* So the reviewer probably didn't read the description or he did, but didn't think it was going to be forced (not that I would know if it is, like I said I didn't read it). In my own humble opinion, the review is totally understandable as reviews are meant to express one's opinion on the novel in question, so I suggest to be a good author and take opinions/criticism like its meant to be taken and leave it at that. Anyways, thanks for coming to my non-TED talk.

Magic Shop System


Liked by 1 people




Oh god what's wrong with this sites review field, the indentation and spaces aren't even accounted lmao. -- sorry for the gibberish


oh I can attach images actually, here ya'll go.