
Review Detail of Sculp in District 42

Review detail


I have read it until chapter 25 or 24 and the novel is really good. Characters pretty likeable we don't see a lot charecters but the people we saw until now is fun to read, a lot of action from the very start like a lot and different concept or plot that I didn't saw in any other novel's at least not yet. There are two minor problems which probably could be fixed and even if it does not fix novel is good enough that you probably wouldn't care. The first one when Mc is thinking his thought's writing "like this" but also conversations writing "like that" if his thoughts writing 'like this' might had been better but it is not a big deal as the story itself is really good. Second minor problem is. There is really a lot action from very start. Without knowing anything about the things happening around Mc decides, helps and finishs things that might be needed more thought's and time. There might be argument about if he had time but even then it might had been better if he was more careful about things when deciding what to do about all of the things happening around but it can ve overlooked as again I at least seeing myself that the novel is good enough so it is making me forgive or forgot those two minor problems which if fine at least by me. Thank you for the time spent on the novel author and take care.


District 42


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