The writing is i.m.p.e.c.a.b.l.e and the action is very well written. Fresh and unique story, very good premise and interesting style of writing. A unique romance of a regal and fiesty nun and playful vampire. All was executed well and the first two chapters are very good story. So far, I like both male's and female lead's character design. The way they're introduced is enough to make me crave for more. Everything is described well as I could feel the dark atmosphere in the story and the dialogue writing is intriguing. The action is great written as I found myself immersed on it. Technical writing wise, It's almost flawless. It's shame that there are only two chapters available at the moment. Hm, if anything, I just want to say that you should find a better nun picture for the cover, just look at the cover, the nun seems to be more "Ghoul" than the vampire. Good cover will bring you more readers. Overall it's good reading experience and I'm looking forward for more chapters. Good luck to you.
Liked by 2 people
LIKENo worries, I figured it was a review swap deal. I didn't get any notifications on the Webnovel Forum from you so it probably slipped my mind. I just checked and it looks like I did start on your book as I already left a few comments prior on your first chapter, it seems that I just forget to finishing adding my review. I'll take care of it now, :)