
Review Detail of Vorez in Return of the Woodcutter

Review detail


A book this good deserves a review, so here goes... I gotta be honest, at first, I was attracted by the nice cover (It screams Vikings so loud!!!). And then the tittle got me curious (Who the heck is this woodcutter, that his mere return will affect things so much?). After I read some early chapters, I realized I got more than I expected. When I decided to write this review, I have already finished binge reading until the last chapter available; that is chapter 34; in just a day!!! (Yup, the book is just that good). If you like a fantasy adventure story, then you’re gonna like this book. If you’re like me who enjoys playing video games like The Witcher series, then you’re gonna enjoy reading this book. Overall, the book is very well written; the pace of the story; the structure of the story-telling; the editing (the typos is so few, it will not ruin your reading); they are all very good. I hope more people will pick up this hidden gem. Kudos to the author for a job well done.

Return of the Woodcutter


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Oh dam…. thanks mate. I’ll do my best to not disappoint.