
Review Detail of BrewingFantasies in The Retribution of a Cursed Swordsman

Review detail


>• Before you begin read this: Our MC is a human and people are waiting for him to awaken his powers which is seeming impossible. There are evil characters who are selfish, I hate Octavian and Dorian (Never felt this much rage) MCs professor and mother are framed so MCs vampire king father could use him to send him as a spy to human world. Because current world is monster world (MCs world) where he is born human without/with hidden powers and is weakest of all, although he has his mother and sister Luna and professor to love and treat him kindly (Well, partially his mother) The storyline inclines towards the rise of MC and his powers and his goals. Narration style of the author is better than his previous works which itself is a great deal and improvement.


The Retribution of a Cursed Swordsman


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