
Review Detail of Nato_da_Potato in Re:Sub [Go to Repost]

Review detail


In general, I would say this story is top notch. The characters are well developed, it incorporates interesting twists in the basic premises for a reincarnation novel, and the author even manages to pack in details that further develop the characters and the world. The descriptions and dialogue are generally well interspersed to keep the story entertaining and that is why I rate it so highly. However, if you are impatient, the excessive detail may dissuade you from continuing before you finish even the first chapter. But that is your loss. Great story can't wait to read more in the future!

Re:Sub [Go to Repost]


Liked by 2 people




Thank you very much :3 Apart from occasionally being silly, I try to not be overly descriptive on purpose. In the beginning, I just couldn't help with trying to set things up initially is all. As far as exposition dumps go, I mostly managed to bite my tongue XD