
Review Detail of BlackCat666 in Breeding Dragons From Today

Review detail


I shouldnt give it 5 stars after reading 5 chaps. But look i did anyway 🤷‍♂️ Its off to a good start and it has a solid premise, with a somewhat unique idea (Somewhat seeing as though most ideas with pets have been tried before), so at the very least give it a try. the writing doesnt seem choppy and its easily understandable (which is better then most novels) And most importantly It has dragonsssss 🎉😇

Breeding Dragons From Today

Fish For Every Year

Liked by 71 people




Im so glad I read the replies. Who knew you can find entertainment in the replies of a review about a topic of entertainment.


“Off to a good start” in 5 chapters. What a joke.


No need to get Your nickers in a knot, thats why its called a “start” 😂

Oto:“Off to a good start” in 5 chapters. What a joke.

If you could understand English you could understand that what I am saying is that 5 chapters isnt even a start. r/whoosh lmao

BlackCat666:No need to get Your nickers in a knot, thats why its called a “start” 😂

Lmao “UnDeRsTaNd EnGlIsH” i can understand it plenty fine since im a native english speaker BTw i got the Definition of start just for you - the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning. "he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year" If you understood english it means the beginning, Which im pretty sure Constitutes chap 1-5

Oto:If you could understand English you could understand that what I am saying is that 5 chapters isnt even a start. r/whoosh lmao

Just ignore that idiot.

BlackCat666:Lmao “UnDeRsTaNd EnGlIsH” i can understand it plenty fine since im a native english speaker BTw i got the Definition of start just for you - the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning. "he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year" If you understood english it means the beginning, Which im pretty sure Constitutes chap 1-5

I was confused for a moment. I thought I'm on Reddit.😂

Oto:If you could understand English you could understand that what I am saying is that 5 chapters isnt even a start. r/whoosh lmao

can any one send raw link of this novel


This novel is too good to be limited to only 20 chapters. Author your readers need morewe are not babies we are not wish to be spoon-fed. On another note: If anyone has guessed from reading my comments within the chapter my favorite character so far is 💗Du Lu💋💞. I am anxiously waiting for more additions to the Dragon family.〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜


Glad im not the only one who loves Du Lu, I’m just Anxiously waiting for the next dragon 😤

Eris86:This novel is too good to be limited to only 20 chapters. Author your readers need morewe are not babies we are not wish to be spoon-fed. On another note: If anyone has guessed from reading my comments within the chapter my favorite character so far is 💗Du Lu💋💞. I am anxiously waiting for more additions to the Dragon family.〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜



This is amusing. 5 chapters does not constitute a start. A start would be between 20-40 chapters, depending on word count, and even then I don’t think a review should be done. In 5 chapters you only get given a basic idea and description of the mc. Not enough for a review. World building, plot, and character design haven’t even been brought up yet. You can try to argue character design but we have not been shown enough to understand an mc’s personality, thoughts, or their relationships. With 20-40 chapters a small amount of this would have been introduced, making it a start. The reason why I still wouldn’t allow a review then is because most novels on webnovel fall into cliches after time. The initial concepts are the easiest to write once an idea is birthed, and is the most interesting to read. After a while most novels change their mc afterwards or fail to come up with original plot and they end up terrible. From what I remember, reviews have 5 different catagories to rate, if you havent even experienced them, why are you giving them a rating? I’d like to request that you refrain from reviewing so early in the future and stop inflating novels’ ratings without reason.

BlackCat666:Lmao “UnDeRsTaNd EnGlIsH” i can understand it plenty fine since im a native english speaker BTw i got the Definition of start just for you - the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning. "he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year" If you understood english it means the beginning, Which im pretty sure Constitutes chap 1-5

Mate who cares your abit late to this party, if it upsets your little heart then just dont look at my review. And iv read 103 chaPs now and the review Still the same 🤷‍♂️ P.S Its a personal review and i didnt ask for your Opinion

Mathro:This is amusing. 5 chapters does not constitute a start. A start would be between 20-40 chapters, depending on word count, and even then I don’t think a review should be done. In 5 chapters you only get given a basic idea and description of the mc. Not enough for a review. World building, plot, and character design haven’t even been brought up yet. You can try to argue character design but we have not been shown enough to understand an mc’s personality, thoughts, or their relationships. With 20-40 chapters a small amount of this would have been introduced, making it a start. The reason why I still wouldn’t allow a review then is because most novels on webnovel fall into cliches after time. The initial concepts are the easiest to write once an idea is birthed, and is the most interesting to read. After a while most novels change their mc afterwards or fail to come up with original plot and they end up terrible. From what I remember, reviews have 5 different catagories to rate, if you havent even experienced them, why are you giving them a rating? I’d like to request that you refrain from reviewing so early in the future and stop inflating novels’ ratings without reason.

I’ve read the whole thing so far too, was just putting my opinion out there on why 5 star reviews after 5 chapters I find stupid. It is a good novel, not 5 stars though.

BlackCat666:Mate who cares your abit late to this party, if it upsets your little heart then just dont look at my review. And iv read 103 chaPs now and the review Still the same 🤷‍♂️ P.S Its a personal review and i didnt ask for your Opinion

Yeh thats fair enough, its the only 5 chap review iv ever done so dont stress. i think the main Reason was cos it had dragons 😁

Mathro:I’ve read the whole thing so far too, was just putting my opinion out there on why 5 star reviews after 5 chapters I find stupid. It is a good novel, not 5 stars though.

You shouldn't give it 5 stars at all.


Ignore it


Im here to please

Kimikyu:Im so glad I read the replies. Who knew you can find entertainment in the replies of a review about a topic of entertainment.

giving false ratings is a terrible thing


Ohhhhh nooooo, its soooo tragiccc

Blinddesire:giving false ratings is a terrible thing