
Review Detail of Thigs_0508 in HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Review detail


the author wanted to create an MC Op in the Hp world, but he didn't want this MC to change the canon, so you ask me how the author compensated for the presence of the MC and the canon remaining the same? the potters survived and had 2 children, so he justified that it's "AU" and in all the remarkable moments in the canon it happened the same because it's an "Au" or the MC becomes incredibly dumb or he becomes weak in moments that you need to use the power

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]


Liked by 85 people




tf u mean harry have a sister that clearly a red flag im lucky i read the review first when i reached the story when they said harry have a sister thank god i dropped it early

M1XALI0:did we even read the same story? because nothing from the things to say are bad about it appear in this story.

believe me when I ask you not to read this story, you will only get angry...


did we even read the same story? because nothing from the things to say are bad about it appear in this story.


are you going to say that this fanfic isn't just 100% the MC training for future threats and in important canonical moments the MC doesn't get stupid and somehow everything happens the same despite interference from the MC or 'oc' characters? and do you think these are positive aspects?

M1XALI0:did we even read the same story? because nothing from the things to say are bad about it appear in this story.

the story not only explains why the events happen "the same" even though most of it is clearly different from the original. secondly your points are stupid to say the least. why is having the vaults bad?

Thigs_0508:are you going to say that this fanfic isn't just 100% the MC training for future threats and in important canonical moments the MC doesn't get stupid and somehow everything happens the same despite interference from the MC or 'oc' characters? and do you think these are positive aspects?

this author has a habit of making an op mc and at the very critical moments the mc will be nerfed . so can't say im surprised by any of this


absolutely true. frankly it was annoying, sure the things he added to the story were cool but PLOT JUST DIDNT CHANGE. like author forced absolutely RIDICULOUS reasons that made things stay the same. like what's even the point? my last straw was during the last task of 4th year. where things still didn't change despite the mc being there for years and it was so FORCED like author was DESPERATE not to change the plot.