
Review Detail of SerafinaF in Ravish Me, Oh Great Wizard King!!!

Review detail


Hi everyone! This is your friendly neighborhood author of Ravish Me. I wanted to use this space to share a map I made of the Ashryan Empire. It will come in super handy as I explore all the various areas of Ashrya. Thank you for visiting and reading my book! Much Love Serafina


Ravish Me, Oh Great Wizard King!!!


Liked by 2 people




how did you make this map?


Hi Tisha I use Gimp as the software. A friend provided a rough outline and then I drew it using a pen tool. I added text for the cities. Dots for the locations of the cities. I drew in the mountains and bog area. And once all that was done, I added a parchment background. I am actually missing a savanna and several mountain ranges plus a desert. I just wanted to get it out quickly so my readers could get an idea of where the cities were in relation to the storyline. Thank you for question and I hope you enjoyed the story so far. Serafina

imagineTishaD:how did you make this map?

Thank you so much. The map actually attracted me to read your book. Awesome work Author đŸ€©


Thank you! If you enjoy my artwork, I will try to draw some images of the main characters and share them with my readers. It will be slow for me to create them because I am also writing the chapters, but I will post what I am able to draw. Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my novel!!!! I will continue to try the best I can to create the stories and upload every day. Much Love Serafina F

imagineTishaD:Thank you so much. The map actually attracted me to read your book. Awesome work Author đŸ€©