
Review Detail of allily in Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Review detail


The writing and story is pretty fun. however we are only a handful of chapters in (13 or so I think), and for a bit if homophobia going. So just a warning friends.


Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess


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it was a very offending comment and wasn't one you even needed to add. by adding it and nothing positive you are promoting homophobic ideals even if it wasn't your intention. You could have literally said he was married and cheating on his spouse. instead it's "he's gay which is bad". that's not okay. I do hope you learn from this and do better in the future.


and before anyone comes in with "It's victoria ages" There were a lot of gay people in the Victoria ages. we have existed since humans began. Also there is literally Modern items every where in the story. there was no need for any homophobia.


I understand that people would think that, however, that will only be pointed in One Sentence in one chapter. hope people won’t take offeNse. It was just to show that the character is quite the tYpical male. Apologies again if I have offended some people regarding that remarK. 🥺


There are a lot of lgbt in my family, so just to say that I never look down on any one of them. i understand that I should have not referenced that. so aGain, sorry. 🥺


Let me Take out the f* word as I Understand That that should be the offensive word there. howEver, I can not delete the whole scene. hope you understand. but thank you for Your words, at least this way, I hope that it wont offend more people.


Yes, thanks for that. apologies as I can not change it anynore as this is a contracted novel. once a chapter has already been uploaded, we can only change very minoR details in the novel and can only edit some words. But I will make sure not To use that reference again in the future. Again, sorry and thanks for the Warning.

allily:it was a very offending comment and wasn't one you even needed to add. by adding it and nothing positive you are promoting homophobic ideals even if it wasn't your intention. You could have literally said he was married and cheating on his spouse. instead it's "he's gay which is bad". that's not okay. I do hope you learn from this and do better in the future.

it's no problem. also if you wanted to make another character homomorphic in any other story, you'll want to show that there are accepting people first* so that you don't build the whole world into being homophobic. good luck with your story.



allily:it's no problem. also if you wanted to make another character homomorphic in any other story, you'll want to show that there are accepting people first* so that you don't build the whole world into being homophobic. good luck with your story.