I dont know how you can write such embarrassing content i mean i have seen some shit on this app but your's topped my list like I mean what kind of wish was the fifth one for other than fucking a little girl so is the first wish. out of all the op things he could have chose he picked having kakashi body and voice.
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LIKEshe is 13 at the start of the novel so basically your mc is a pedo
In India even 18 yera old are virgins.
my reallity ? hahaha i prefer older woman ! it is just a FF and he come complaining like this ! it is so funny i guess i should have made her younger so i get more cry baby complaining hahaha
what shit do i give about that'? if i would reincarnate i would not stop myself from loving someone when my phisical body is 16 years old ! that does not mean you are pedophile , it just say that you are not bothered by your last lives and able to live a new life without holding yourself back ! anyway in AGT age does not matter anymore since it is commun to see 13-14 years old girl be married to 100 years old man that look only like having 20 ! this is cultivation world where immortity is possible you are just a retarded mother****er who can't use his imagination and come to ruin other people mood to be happy ! you are not a true otaku !
Anyway i don't give a shit about you , you are just one of those frustrated virgin that can't **** since they are too alone in their life ! your wife is your hand ! you can't even satisfy your hand ! it is at a point that you can't cum because your hand dont feel like pleasing your small dick !
my body count is 7 lol your comment shows you are the virgin living in fantasies about fucking 13 years old you sick ****
Frankly i don't like young girl but it is fun to see virgin like you crying when in cultivation novel age does not even count ! from what isee you did not read a lot of cultivation novel and fanfict to react this way idiot well bye i will not lose my time to answer anymore
dude just so you know but there are countries where 13 is *** age, so your country might be higher but some places its even 12. Now u may think its ****ed up but they dont, alternativly they think yours is ****ed up they you dont. There are many cultures and just cause the country you live in makes it a certain age doesnt mean that "IS THE AGE", its based off the laws of the country not your personal opinions. As for this novel, well its set in a cultivation world where *** age would probs be between 12-15. if you cant accept it then dont read fan-fics, since you clearly arnt open minded and cant understand cultural differences.
if you went to a country where you fuckin a 12 year old is okay would you do it
no i wouldnt but should i know someone who did im not gunna look down on them and call it wrong, i have no right to judge. besides people have different life exeperiences and this is just one of those things that contriversial and based on life experiences. just because i say i wouldnt doesnt mean there is a 0% chance. i have no idea what will happen in my future. i wont actively go their for that purpose but should something odd happened and it did happen i might feel a bit weird about it but end of the day, so long as no one got hurt and its legal in what ever country i am in. it is what it is. just for clarification i am not saying im gunna go **** a 12 year old i have standards of no one below 16 personally but i aint gunna tell people its wrong if they have different tastes so long as its legal in that country. being close minded about a heavily personal experienced based subject is not good and causes way too many arguments that shouldnt happen over something as simple as basic respect that people are different and live different lives.