Every day I am surprised to learn more about other cultures, about writing friends, with other cultural backgrounds ... Filled with unlikely stories, worlds once sophisticated, and high finances. Then magical worlds, of superhuman powers, of intense generational experiences, where parents transmit to their children knowledge, wealth, companies, powers ... It's worth reading on, it's recommended, the synopsis says it all and the chapters go from less to more ...
Liked by 3 people
LIKEThank you for reading this novel, my English is not good and I'm sorry if the story is still a mess. In this novel I intend to tell about the life of a spiritual user how he should live a life as normal as possible in the real world. first I made a story according to the theme, because I also liked bitcoin and even played the game and then invested the proceeds in Coinbase. However, this time I revised it and made a story outside the theme. But both discuss the teenage boy who one day becomes the tycoon man in the future. Thank you if you would like to recommend this story thank you for the review and suggestion ^_^
That is why they call you first world or developed countries. H e here, a sample of world culture. Courtesy, recognition. The end justifies the means, says the basic lesson in mathematical logical calculus. Will this also be the case in literature? That is between the paradoxical and the anecdotal of the contests. Great enemies go to war ... Only the nobles return raising the wounded, collecting letters at the last gasp of their fighting friends, placing stones and crosses, to perhaps return again in times of peace and not only raise another prayer but also bring flowers. Thanks: Mel_Aniv and Mysterious_Pen ... ANABANTINGAN For those lessons in writing, fellowship and fraternal embrace of sincere, kind and Who brings you coffee? Who will take the photo? Here I have medals that I collected on the way?
Ooooo math calculus, I really like it. It's a pity, I come from Indonesia where developing countries are not developed countries. But, I write Japanese culture as a developed country, not my own home country, hahaha I'm weird. But, what do you mean by this? "For those lessons in writing, fellowship and fraternal embrace of sincere, kind and Who brings you coffee? Who will take the photo? Here I have medals that I collected on the way?" (-.-;)
It's healthy competition ... From February 01 to 10: Mel_Aniv, (200 votes) led the ranking; suddenly appears: Mysterious_Pen ... (400x) and dethrones him ... almost doubling the votes. The rest and I include myself (-100) I made two reviews of the matter, in their respective books, both responded in peace. (Case that did not happen with the ladies ... 1/3) Hence the coffee, the photos for the face ... I look forward to your review of BitLove and White Sea School. Thank you. GenX_Conectados Perรบ.
OK, I will review it for you. But, I need time to read your work. It is healthy competition, so I don't think your previous defeat was my concern. If you want me to vote on you, I will be happy to give it too.