
Review Detail of nyehthtbeb3t in The villainess is worse the second time around

Review detail


TOXICCC TOXICCC🤮🤮🤮 LIKE WTF IS HAPPENING. one day the ML is degrading FL, breaking her spirit, abusing her mentally and later you develop a fucking romantic plot. She went through reincarnation for revenge, such tragedy, and knowing that ramelle Duke taking advantage and no one trusting her- ARE U FREAKING KIDDING ME SHOWING FL NOT GIVING A FUCK ABOUT SELF - RESPECT AND BLUSHING LIKE AN IDIOT. SO MANY PROL HOLES OVERSTRCHED MISUNDERSTANDINGS 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I hate it. This is gonna destroy my whole mood for 3 days now.

The villainess is worse the second time around


Liked by 1 people




I never cursed the writer. I cursed the novel. Because of course you're not gonna compensate the mental and emotional damage I went through. And. It's not about "new writer". There are a lot of well to do books which are toxic af and I do leave a lowest rating possible.

uhjuihoijio:So that also 'entitles' you to spew profanities at a newbie writer? Yes, you can write your review, but you better expect that I'm going to call you out if you're unable to express your opinion in a civilised manner. It's not about whether your opinions are valid or not, it's about the irony of conducting yourself in the way you are critiquing. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that you aren't talking to a real person. There are a lot of writers on this site who put an unbelievable amount of work into these stories and it's not fair that the intellectually lazy get to condemn their work in such a rude manner. Especially, if you consider the circumstances of when it is being written. If you're going to come for me and think I'm just going to sit down and take it - you're mistaken hun.

Ouch!! What a spicy review. I won't point out the irony of calling a fictional work TOXIC while swearing at the real person who wrote it. You're entitled to your opinion... XOXO


Well what are reviews for then? It helps to give readers an idea of whether what they're reading is worth or not. And yes I am, reviews are there to express my "entitled" opinions.

uhjuihoijio:Ouch!! What a spicy review. I won't point out the irony of calling a fictional work TOXIC while swearing at the real person who wrote it. You're entitled to your opinion... XOXO

So that also 'entitles' you to spew profanities at a newbie writer? Yes, you can write your review, but you better expect that I'm going to call you out if you're unable to express your opinion in a civilised manner. It's not about whether your opinions are valid or not, it's about the irony of conducting yourself in the way you are critiquing. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that you aren't talking to a real person. There are a lot of writers on this site who put an unbelievable amount of work into these stories and it's not fair that the intellectually lazy get to condemn their work in such a rude manner. Especially, if you consider the circumstances of when it is being written. If you're going to come for me and think I'm just going to sit down and take it - you're mistaken hun.

nyehthtbeb3t:Well what are reviews for then? It helps to give readers an idea of whether what they're reading is worth or not. And yes I am, reviews are there to express my "entitled" opinions.

No one forced you to read 20 chapters of the story (I know you read that far because I saw your other comments, as well as those where you claimed people who reviewed by work were bots). The opening line of your review is you cursing. Cursing at the novel? I'm the one who wrote it, so what do you mean you're just cursing the novel. Cursing which you expected that I and others would see. If this were real life would you talk to another human in that way? I mean, honestly, if you don't see the irony of saying the novel is toxic while you are here posting in this way ( just because it's online), you're either hypocritical or intellectually lazy. I'm not surprised you've left many low reviews and they were probably as rude as this one. Why? Because you don't care about others. Only how you it makes you feel- then you have the cheek to say I should care about your emotional damage? You must be having a laugh, mate!

nyehthtbeb3t:I never cursed the writer. I cursed the novel. Because of course you're not gonna compensate the mental and emotional damage I went through. And. It's not about "new writer". There are a lot of well to do books which are toxic af and I do leave a lowest rating possible.