
Review Detail of xzyan in The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Review detail


So far everything is going pretty well, both sides (Nero, aka. Naoko and the King/other heroes) has been giving enough detail on whats happening. Writing Quality- Although somethings get kinda repetitive, the quality is still pretty good, up to my standards, its alright. Stability of Updates- The author updates this story quite often, I feel satisfied for this part so far. Story Development- This story is more fast paced and if you don't like fast paced then I don't think you should read it; but for me I like it, fast paced stories are my thing. Character Design- The author doesn't fail for designing his characters. So far, every time we have a new character arrive the author explains them in detail, doe sometimes I feel like he does get a bit lazy but I also get lazy in my writing so I really have no complains in this section. World Background- Although the author focuses more on the character development and story/plot, the world background are explained little by little. It is not like some novels where they explain the whole world in one chapter. The author gives us details about the world in some chaps and not other while making things clear and understanding. Overall, for my preferences, I give this novel 5/5 so far. I'm really liking how things are going so far. Every thing is going smoothly for me so far, I hope to see more great things in the future.

The Insurrection of the Inept Hero


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