
Review Detail of kumakitsune in I Can Extract Everything

Review detail


First time posting a review (but this also means it's the first time I found a sorta new book worth giving a review to) Starting with the writing quality, it's got good grammar, decent sentence structures which are not too long or short and no typos. The story pacing is decent, there's no rushing into different plots and there are no unfinished plots or loopholes either. The story continues steadily which fits the character well. The character design itself is amazing. MC isn't dumb, he can think and avoid attracting trouble (like when he gives spirit stones only to extract, doesn't upgrade cultivation level, hides level and conceals power) and can react to difficult situations (as proven in with the 'sword thief'). He doesn't rush blindly into situations, nor is a cowardly rat. He makes amazing use of his system and must I say that this is the best system in existence, to the point that I was insanely jealous of MC at one point. The world setting is a simple cultivation world but it fits the story perfectly as overcomplicating the world would only disrupt the casual vibe the story gives off. All in all, this book is amazing and I keep looking forward to chapters. To the author, pls never stop updating this book until completion and thanks a lot for this top-quality content.


I Can Extract Everything


Liked by 12 people




[P.S, I've judged the grammar quality in comparison to other Chinese cultivation novels. As a proficient English speaker, it definitely isn't up to the mark but it's clearly discernible and is getting better.]


your grammar isn't the best so far, but as an English speaker, we really don't give a shit about structure, mostly cuz we type how we talk and talk how we type, but reading how we talk, and talking we write do be annoying, so fair enough tbh

kumakitsune:[P.S, I've judged the grammar quality in comparison to other Chinese cultivation novels. As a proficient English speaker, it definitely isn't up to the mark but it's clearly discernible and is getting better.]