
Review Detail of Endless_Voids in The Universal Villain

Review detail


*Spoilers* Everything was going well until "Blake" came along. How is it that an evil mc like this would let a girl take advantage of him? Why did he not make her completely loyal to him like he did L1 and L2? It is as if the mc is much nicer to the female characters than the male characters. If it is a male character, he either kills them or makes them completely loyal, while if it's a female, he gives them a chance to benefit from his plans. Very stupid. For a moment, I almost thought this would be a truly evil mc turns out it is simply one of many fake ones. SMH. The writing quality is excellent, and the world background is decent; however, the story development went downhill very quickly, as well as the character design.

The Universal Villain


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For the branch leader his reasoning was that everything would go downhill if he made the branch leader completely loyal, because it would be such a strong personality change. For Blake it was because he likely didn’t want Adam noticing such a major change. He was able to do L1 and L2 however because he knew if he made them loyal, then because of his control over the branch leader, he could have them be by his side. Granted that isn’t outright stated, but it’s just using the way the mc thinks to deduce that.


Is that so. Then tell me why in chapter 31 he doesn't kill blake for daring to attack him. Tell me why he would put up with her stupid behavior instead of erasing her entire existence. What happened to mc that kills anyone who poses a threat to him. I understand his actions so far until that point. Is he so scared of Adam that he doesn't dare kill or erase Blakes's consciousness and make her entirely loyal to him like L1 and 2? What reasoning is there for this?

WifeBeater69:For the branch leader his reasoning was that everything would go downhill if he made the branch leader completely loyal, because it would be such a strong personality change. For Blake it was because he likely didn’t want Adam noticing such a major change. He was able to do L1 and L2 however because he knew if he made them loyal, then because of his control over the branch leader, he could have them be by his side. Granted that isn’t outright stated, but it’s just using the way the mc thinks to deduce that.

Also the fact that if you decided to read further you would realize that Blake is completely loyal to him, and the one time she disobeyed his order, he nearly killed her.

Endless_Voids:Is that so. Then tell me why in chapter 31 he doesn't kill blake for daring to attack him. Tell me why he would put up with her stupid behavior instead of erasing her entire existence. What happened to mc that kills anyone who poses a threat to him. I understand his actions so far until that point. Is he so scared of Adam that he doesn't dare kill or erase Blakes's consciousness and make her entirely loyal to him like L1 and 2? What reasoning is there for this?

What do you mean the "one time." She literally disobeyed his orders when he told her to get off of him in chp 31. If you don't mind could you tell me which chp he nearly kills her in and why did not kill her off entirely.


Chapter 74 is when he nearly kills her. He was gonna go kill the two brother gods, and Blake wanted to come with despite him saying no several times, and as such he nearly snapped her neck. He stopped himself because the whole reason he nearly killed Blake was because of his new evolution and not actually out of his own free will.

Endless_Voids:What do you mean the "one time." She literally disobeyed his orders when he told her to get off of him in chp 31. If you don't mind could you tell me which chp he nearly kills her in and why did not kill her off entirely.