
Review Detail of Crimmy_217 in The Young Master’s Bride

Review detail


Spoiler cuz It's one of those... From the snopsis I could say it's quite tempting, the world background is great. BUT! The character? Utterly disappointing... beacause....shesh. I encountered a lot of dumb, masochistic female leads. AND have no self dignity, basic understanding!! You can say turned into an idiot because of selfless love Nope...more like sadistic/toxic relationship 🙄 And felt more like, fell base on physical trait than the inner side🙄 BASICALLY. another one of those weird sense of love?? that the others prefer? sorry for the word though, I can't help it. These types destroys the sense of logic and SELF DIGNITY! (still sorry though..) REMINDER: not a complete review since I review this while it's still on trial. I'm just sharing my point of view though I stopped at chapter 5 or something. (cuz I can't take it anymore!)


The Young Master’s Bride

Enchanting Little Meow

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