Why do all the low rated books have the most top fans. good books wid good ratings don’t get selected bcoz of these. Are these top fans even real ppl or is it just one rich guy pushing things
Liked by 21 people
LIKEI've become convinced that after an Author gets burned by fake reviews, they get infected by the Fake Review Virus. Then, they become an additional Fake Reviewer and trash all the other novels that might compete with their novels. Hard Core fans of a particular novel are also susceptible to the Fake Review Virus. Each infected person rushes out to spread the infection and make the whole review system worthless. Thus, I review the reviews and the more hate reviews and 1 star reviews on a novel, the more likely I am to give it a go and check for myself!
There are some underrated novels, that's true. This doesn't explain the anomalous amount of top fans on bad novels though
MikeN:I've become convinced that after an Author gets burned by fake reviews, they get infected by the Fake Review Virus. Then, they become an additional Fake Reviewer and trash all the other novels that might compete with their novels. Hard Core fans of a particular novel are also susceptible to the Fake Review Virus. Each infected person rushes out to spread the infection and make the whole review system worthless. Thus, I review the reviews and the more hate reviews and 1 star reviews on a novel, the more likely I am to give it a go and check for myself!