
Review Detail of Dio99 in I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Review detail


I won't say it's garbage or anything but it's meh. There is extreme nationalism in this novel but nothing too crazy. the quality of trial novels seems to have gone down this week . Usually there is at least 1-2 or two good books in each batch. They should really consider bringing back some of the past novels. They were 🔥😩

I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

King of Torch

Liked by 208 people




lol... they won't be no1 just cause they say they're no1... u might not know china is infamous for tooting it's own horn...

DaoistRainblow:You realize, your obsession with anti-nationalism is the reason why the nationalistic Chinese will become the No 1 Race.

Nationalism? Well no need to say more i am out...


thanks for review bro i am out 👍


same here..



lmfaoo this comment killed me 😂

holson_Charles:Nationalism? Well no need to say more i am out...

bro nationalism kills most of the novels so why stay better just run

Dio99:lmfaoo this comment killed me 😂

I 100% agree with you fam. I honestly wouldn't mind if there was a little bit if nationalism so long as it doesn't take away from the story that's fine but it's when they just randomly start bashing other countries that cheese me. To be honest even though this has extreme nationalism compared to some of the other novels I have read, this is considered soft. Things like "the Chinese are the supreme race" like tf? 😂💀💀

Lordmoonlight:bro nationalism kills most of the novels so why stay better just run

yup Prodigy system and greatest genius system thought me when too much of one thing isn't good every 10-15 chapter you got them trashing a next country mostly Japan thou can't help but get tried of it they are like hydra

Dio99:I 100% agree with you fam. I honestly wouldn't mind if there was a little bit if nationalism so long as it doesn't take away from the story that's fine but it's when they just randomly start bashing other countries that cheese me. To be honest even though this has extreme nationalism compared to some of the other novels I have read, this is considered soft. Things like "the Chinese are the supreme race" like tf? 😂💀💀

" Usually there is at least 1-2 or two good books in each batch. "


You realize, your obsession with anti-nationalism is the reason why the nationalistic Chinese will become the No 1 Race.

Dio99:I 100% agree with you fam. I honestly wouldn't mind if there was a little bit if nationalism so long as it doesn't take away from the story that's fine but it's when they just randomly start bashing other countries that cheese me. To be honest even though this has extreme nationalism compared to some of the other novels I have read, this is considered soft. Things like "the Chinese are the supreme race" like tf? 😂💀💀

I doubt it, it's getting so annoying in 10 years the chinese will be tired of it too.

DaoistRainblow:You realize, your obsession with anti-nationalism is the reason why the nationalistic Chinese will become the No 1 Race.

it's not like we hate it but you can't be putting it in every single novel you can say it's fine in every 3/10 novel but we usually get 9/10 with that shit novels should be about fun and exciting things not to boost your country on a higher level like its perfect

DaoistRainblow:You realize, your obsession with anti-nationalism is the reason why the nationalistic Chinese will become the No 1 Race.

I agree for the most part but... if it were just nationalism it would be fine... but they don't just stop at that... they'll probably introduce racism in the later chapters which is just unacceptable by most of the people reading it here... might as well not waste our time and find a non controversial fantasy or SciFi novel

Dio99:I 100% agree with you fam. I honestly wouldn't mind if there was a little bit if nationalism so long as it doesn't take away from the story that's fine but it's when they just randomly start bashing other countries that cheese me. To be honest even though this has extreme nationalism compared to some of the other novels I have read, this is considered soft. Things like "the Chinese are the supreme race" like tf? 😂💀💀

Look I have no issues with a bit of nationalism in any novel. Hell sometimes it's even cool hearing about possible customs in china that may or may not be true depending on the book but if it reaches the point where every two chapters the book is basically spewing propaganda than that's over the top. That's not what wanted to read the book for. This book had potential, the power system seemed interesting but it was the constant nationalism and bad writing that ruined.🤷

DaoistRainblow:You realize, your obsession with anti-nationalism is the reason why the nationalistic Chinese will become the No 1 Race.

okay okay fam, once in while there is a really good novel. Depending on the week there are a few okay novels and most weeks there are a lot of shit novels. I was just tryna be positive. We can only hope.🥲

LaoTze:" Usually there is at least 1-2 or two good books in each batch. "

Their colleges aren't teaching them post colonialism and their media is constantly pushing them to become more patriotic. Unlike the western world. They have the will and the power to rule the world. While the western world no longer have the will to fight them.

Ophix:I doubt it, it's getting so annoying in 10 years the chinese will be tired of it too.

I could that this iS the only good book in this batch and i want a retry for i can see the line of fortune


extreme nationalison = nothing too crazy???


Lol, the Chinese control American economy, American media, America university with their money either directly or indirectly. They can tell America not to use the words "Chinese V!r^$" and suddenly all Americans stopped using that word. The CCP pretty much brain control the Americans and will never allow public sentiments to raise to the point that that Americans would support a war with China.

SageCrow:lol... they won't be no1 just cause they say they're no1... u might not know china is infamous for tooting it's own horn...