
Review Detail of BorrowedDreams in Heavenly Dao Formula

Review detail


Er Mu has return with a new work that reserves a good score, this slow perspective that give us starting from small and standing on the world background was a great introduction, similar to his previous work, we see a peculiar MC who is making use of his knowledge on science to make the best use of the power system of the world. This MC has a limited access to knowledge and what the info of the world is explained smoothly instead of info dumping us about the powers and monsters, in this world, pther than cultivators there are the called Mystics, they use a spell based power system to subdue creatures called demond, fiends amd gosths. There are a wide range of these creatures, and many demons are not maneating monster but smart animals that live their own way, but unfortunately the human greed and ignorance have no bounds, all creatures that can be labeled as different from human or animal are target of fear and discrimination, mystic kills and take the territories of these demons and force them to live in seclusion, but our MC, who comes from a world were the demons, who can take himan shape with animal traits, are part of the popular media, so his interactions with this race might be able to mark a difference, although is too early to know if he will be able to properly influence the council, whose power is great and their authority "unquestionable". overall a great work, needs to be polished over grammar though.


Heavenly Dao Formula

Er Mu

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