2020-12-22 14:16

I seriously love the story so far. I'm not the best at giving reviews like this so sorry for that. There are some grammatical errors but it's barely noticeable and unless you're a grammar police it's fine. Since this fanfic is new and not a lot of people read it (by the time I'm writing this idk about the future) you can give suggestions for the fanfic and if it's good the author would put it in. Also the author is really fun to interact with in paragraph comments and comments. Also by the time I'm writing this the author promised us a chapter a day (still don't know about the future) which is amazing as other good fanfics like this one updates usually every other day or even once every three days (could be more could be less up to the author). I just want to say that this fanfic is good and that you should give it a read and author I want you to keep up what you're doing as it's great...

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I'm french so I'm probably doing worse in writing

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