You need to release more chapters please it's interesting but it's like a taste of something good you want more lol thanks for that chapters
Liked by 1 people
LIKEThank you so much for reading and liking it! ^^ I have been through a lot of drama the past couple of months but I plan to post the new chapters soon! I also want to tell you and most likely the others who like my books that I have a YouTube channel known as ThatAGurlBlue Official where I play games and have fun! The reason I am telling you this is cause, I of course will stream videos or book updates where we can interact and talk about my books! If you want to ask questions, share ideas or simply talk about my books that you like with me? Then I would appreciate it if you sub! I honestly would love to talk with you all and to have fun about talking about Nostrum as well as my other books! If any of you haven't already? You can also keep up to speed on posts and updates on Wattpad by the same name that I go by on here, for I normally post updates on there! New chapters are usually posted on Wattpad first, so if you can't wait for the new chapter then it be best to follow me on there! Lastly, I just want to say thank you all so much for enjoying Nostrum and Dawn Of A New Age as well as the second season! As well as being patient with me, I am very sorry about not posting in so long! ;~; It seriously means the world to me that you like it so much! I just wanted to share a bit with you all about what occurred in the few months. The drama that I went through is finally over with, but it ended up hurting me as well as tried to hurt my books reputation so to say. Some people even tried to stop me from writing, by saying that my books and ideas were utter garbage. So hearing you guys that you love my books so much, and adding it to your reading lists really speaks volumes to me right now. I really needed to hear this from you and the others! I apologize for the long comment, I just want to keep you guys up to speed to what kind of happened to me so you all aren't left in the dark!