Most of the other low star reviews got it right. This novel is not worth reading. Why, because the author has no understanding of the human condition and he does not even try. Immagine spending a year doing the same thing all over again, then 10 years, then 100 years. This is about the maximum a human can life. There is only one thing someone who has left such a time loop would do and that is waste away. The human mind will break and disassociate with the body. Because the author does not address those issues we can only conclude that this is a novel by a bad author who only writes to finish his daily word count. Sanity is by definition hard to grasp but after 100 lifetimes in a void without consequences there is literally no way for a mind to grasp the concept any longer. Humans are not machines, therefore we learn from our environment. This is actually one of the rare few novels who could get away with a type of racism, because if you had experienced negative emotions every time you looked at an asshole who happens to be a foreigner for 10 years you would automatically associate every other foreigners of similar appearance with negative emotions. You would be conditioned to behave that way. But even this gets the novel wrong.
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