15 Chapters in and I think it's okay to do a review now.. The story and writing is good, the pacing is decent.. The fight scenes are well done as well.. The MC is not OP so it's good, he's having a hard time fighting when it comes to an Army of Death Eaters or a high ranked one (Bellatrix).. The only massive problem I have in this story is the upcoming romance between Harry and Susan because it feels forced, it feels like J.K Rowling herself wrote the romance.. The author in chapter 15 pulled the "Harry is my Family" card when it comes to Hermione so they don't feel any romantic feelings towards each other despite the loyalty that Hermione showed from Book 1-5 (The story starts at the end of book 5 btw).. Susan's interest in Harry was sudden and feels like Ginny, it happens right after Harry saved her and her aunt which feels more like a reward from a quest rather than a natural love.. Susan gives the 'white knight crush' vibe after the MC saved her (which canon harry hates) so I don't know why the author did that? I would've honestly prefer Hermione or Daphne as a love interest so there's any interesting that is happening to romance, I hate sudden attraction when I'm reading a story.. But if you don't care about the romance then I recommend this story..
Liked by 2 people
LIKEThanks for the review. TBH, the reason I did not pick Hermione as the pairing was because it has been done to death. Moreover, I have mentioned that there is a difference in the setting which ensures that Harry, Susan and Neville are close before the events of the first chapter. We are 23 chapters in at 100k words, and I've yet to start any actual romance. Because the main focus of this fic is and always will be the war. So far, I've only mentioned a crush or an attraction and nothing more, so it isn't anything like the sudden Ginny shift in HBP. I would like to believe that I outlined Hermione's current mental state as well... But well, I'm sorry to disappoint, I guess. Thanks for reading!