
Review Detail of Katzenliebe in When Blood Runs Cold

Review detail


I, um, have to admit I didn't read past the locked chapters, and I also... kind of... skipped some of the paragraphs that were kind of (not bad, just O////O) yeah. I don't really like romance, but just from the quality of writing I can say that it's really well-written and I think that people who enjoy reading stuff like this will like it a lot. The descriptions were really top-notch (although O.oooooo) and there are little to no grammar mistakes (most are probably typos). The writing was clear and any tension and whatnot was clearly displayed. The only thing I would say, which is kind of personal, but it was pretty frustrating when Serena was basically a figure head. I mean, she sort of listened to others, let others kind of walk over her decisions although she is the queen. Other than that it's really good and I would 10/10 recommend it to people who like this kind of stuff.


When Blood Runs Cold


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