
Review Detail of takunithecat in I Dare Not Hope

Review detail


Writing Quality: The writing in the beginning seems a like it is a bit unstable and needs proofreading, but by the current chapter the situation has improved a lot.5. Stability of Updates: every 2 days it seems: 5. Story Development: Lots of crazy things happen. You'll need to read it yourself to find out. 5. Character Design: For a romance novel, the some of the characters manage to break the mold in a good way. It makes the story development more interesting to read as well. However, I feel like the writing style sometimes does not pair well with the first person style of writing. There could be some improvement in making the main character's personality come out more in the narration. 4. World Background: The world isn't as interesting because it's a romance novel. Though this is made up by the good character design, by itself it is a 3.


I Dare Not Hope


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Thanks for a very detailed review. As a new writer, I would really like to know my weaknesses so I could improve on it. You were right, in terms of romance, there was nothing much I could do with world background.