2021-01-30 08:23

a story I love the most with unique characters and a good developing plot. if you are interested in a good story I would highly recommend this one.

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Other Reviews

This is by far one of the most glorious novels I have read on this godforsakwn app. let's go into some of the details. Story development: As far as I've read the pacing in this one is really well done. not too much time is spwnd uselessly on one affair and even the characters seem to be in on getting the plot moving at points that it could easily get a bit stagnant. Youll know what I mean once you get into it. Not to mention this is one of the few books on this app that ACTUALLY HAS CUSTOM ART. Done by the fcking author themselves (follow his Twitter. Cultured shite over there). Ima be honest and say like most of y'all I came for the lewds but the plot is intriguing enough that the lewds start to feel like a mega bonus on top of it. Character design: DID I MENTION CUSTOM ART? Another thing, a lot of people on this app like to complain about beta characters and yeah they can be annoying, hell even the author puts a minor warning that the MC takes a little to get strong, but I honestly thinks that becomes unnecessary really fuckin quick. Like really quick. So don't worry about that at all. Also custom art. Updating stability: Webnovel tells you enough on how good this is at least for now World background: For a lewd story world building is really surprisingly well done and feels natural. You don't feel the super long tedious info dumps that other books do to tell you how the world works. It feels pretty sprinkled in there and it's commendable. And did I mention this masterpiece doesn't cuck you after 40 chaps like other webnovel shits that aren't even half this quality? You have no reason not to read this. Why are you even looking at the reviews there's 90+ free chaps get the hell on it. Author does have a paytreeon but that's about all the monetization I see. GET ON IT. And follow the authors Twitter while you're at it. Thank you for reading, enjoy.

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