
Review Detail of BigStig97 in Naruto: The Unwanted Child

Review detail


I haven't read this and probably won't because naruto and harry potter are the two main stories I can think of where there is basically no possibility that the self sacrificing parents will abandon their child. even if it's a sibling. It just doesn't make sense to me. It throws the entire story off for me like that.

Naruto: The Unwanted Child


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No I know that I was saying that alot of naruto and HP fanfics do the abandoned child alot but in canon there parents literally give up there lives for there children. I just don't see how they would abandon their own child.

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Oh yeah I get you. I've read them too. It's just an unrealistic scenario Authors use to promote the plot. So yeah it's super annoying to see but somehow leads to character development, dark/grey MC and unneeded revenge+hate as well.

BigStig97:No I know that I was saying that alot of naruto and HP fanfics do the abandoned child alot but in canon there parents literally give up there lives for there children. I just don't see how they would abandon their own child.

Yeah I get it and even understand people liking it. It just ruins it for me though. I just can't seem to ever get passed it. And when I do it's usually only because James is being a bigoted idiot and lily is either too caught up in something or being charmed or portioned.

Apocalypse_:Oh yeah I get you. I've read them too. It's just an unrealistic scenario Authors use to promote the plot. So yeah it's super annoying to see but somehow leads to character development, dark/grey MC and unneeded revenge+hate as well.

are you retarded?

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Ashmodai:are you retarded?

Btw I've gotta say man. I literally said, 'Are you blind? ' and you took it so smoothly and explained calmly. Kudos to you AND your parents/guardians. They've brought you up well. 💯

BigStig97:Yeah I get it and even understand people liking it. It just ruins it for me though. I just can't seem to ever get passed it. And when I do it's usually only because James is being a bigoted idiot and lily is either too caught up in something or being charmed or portioned.

don't forget honor for my cow ♥️

Apocalypse_:Btw I've gotta say man. I literally said, 'Are you blind? ' and you took it so smoothly and explained calmly. Kudos to you AND your parents/guardians. They've brought you up well. 💯

and I've been told it's that southern hospitality 😂 thanks homie

Apocalypse_:Btw I've gotta say man. I literally said, 'Are you blind? ' and you took it so smoothly and explained calmly. Kudos to you AND your parents/guardians. They've brought you up well. 💯

think more like this , if Naruto was not Ninetails host and his little brother or sister got it ,then his mother and father will focus in that not Naruto ,plus If I have to say They will even forget Naruto ,like was there even Naruto ?y you ask? cause if they don't see Naruto or if Naruto is depressed and they don't see Naruto and leave him to his own , then they will not notice that Naruto was even in his room or village . and villager will only know his brother or sister as hokage child but not him . so it will be neglected in whole new level. if you say like " how can parents forgets it's own child " then remember it's ninja from world . and if anyway Naruto don't have chakra or can't even don't have any aptitude for ninja way then his parents will be like " is this even our child , how can our child be like this . I'm hokage and strong ninja but this is trash and sin of our blood " and they may even try to kil him on his infant time

BigStig97:No I know that I was saying that alot of naruto and HP fanfics do the abandoned child alot but in canon there parents literally give up there lives for there children. I just don't see how they would abandon their own child.

but every story i read with that plot just looks dumb cause the other siblings point out the issue to the parents but in every single story i read with that plot always say the parents forget what their other children say after a second and then when the mc goes all ape batshit they somehow remember that they had an older child and then tries to get into their good graces and the mc somehow does not kill them but gives them time (even though at that point they're stronger than them somehow) to make it up to him but never does it makes no sense

Rex_shed:think more like this , if Naruto was not Ninetails host and his little brother or sister got it ,then his mother and father will focus in that not Naruto ,plus If I have to say They will even forget Naruto ,like was there even Naruto ?y you ask? cause if they don't see Naruto or if Naruto is depressed and they don't see Naruto and leave him to his own , then they will not notice that Naruto was even in his room or village . and villager will only know his brother or sister as hokage child but not him . so it will be neglected in whole new level. if you say like " how can parents forgets it's own child " then remember it's ninja from world . and if anyway Naruto don't have chakra or can't even don't have any aptitude for ninja way then his parents will be like " is this even our child , how can our child be like this . I'm hokage and strong ninja but this is trash and sin of our blood " and they may even try to kil him on his infant time

I can agree to that but the whole civilian population torturing 4th Hokage child is ridiculous and for what shit an giggles

Rex_shed:think more like this , if Naruto was not Ninetails host and his little brother or sister got it ,then his mother and father will focus in that not Naruto ,plus If I have to say They will even forget Naruto ,like was there even Naruto ?y you ask? cause if they don't see Naruto or if Naruto is depressed and they don't see Naruto and leave him to his own , then they will not notice that Naruto was even in his room or village . and villager will only know his brother or sister as hokage child but not him . so it will be neglected in whole new level. if you say like " how can parents forgets it's own child " then remember it's ninja from world . and if anyway Naruto don't have chakra or can't even don't have any aptitude for ninja way then his parents will be like " is this even our child , how can our child be like this . I'm hokage and strong ninja but this is trash and sin of our blood " and they may even try to kil him on his infant time

plus the parents characters are shown to be compassionate no matter how much you downgrade their character they can't tolerate their child to be tortured

BigBangOrko:I can agree to that but the whole civilian population torturing 4th Hokage child is ridiculous and for what shit an giggles